Rating the objectives: Finland's ITS strategy to 2010

Risto Kulmala, Mirja Noukka

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleProfessional


The Finnish National Road Administration (Finnra) prepared a national strategic plan to match its Intelligent Transport System (ITS) applications to its policy objectives. A questionnaire was sent to 50 Finnish ITS experts to ask what ITS functions Finnra should use to meet its objectives optimally. Each expert estimated the potential of each of about 60 ITS functions or services to fulfil Finnra's ITS-relevant objectives. It was found that incident management was the ITS function that best met Finnra's objectives. Many other traffic information functions were also found to be important. In addition, agreement had to be reached on the general role of Finnra in ITS. Finnra applies ITS in its traffic management activities, to ensure the efficiency and safety of its road network while minimising its environmental impacts. Finnra's ITS systems can easily be linked to the ITS systems of other transport modes. Finnra is also responsible for providing real-time information, relevant to safety, on current and predicted road traffic conditions. By 2010, Finnra's ITS functions will be matched to the following operating environments: main roads, high-standard roads, specific problem locations, roads near urban areas, other roads, and driver information systems. Guidelines have been set for Finnra's operational ITS strategy.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)62-66
JournalTraffic Technology International
Issue numberFeb-Mar
Publication statusPublished - 1998
MoE publication typeD1 Article in a trade journal


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