Recent progress in CERN RD39: Radiation hard cryogenic silicon detectors for applications in LHC experiments and their future upgrades

E. Tuominen*, P. Anbinderis, T. Anbinderis, R. Bates, W. De Boer, E. Borchi, M. Bruzzi, C. Buttar, W. Chen, V. Cindro, S. Czellar, A. Dierlamm, V. Eremin, E. Gaubas, J. Härkönen, E. Heijne, I. Ilyashenko, V. Kalesinskas, M. J. Kortelainen, T. LampénZ. Li, P. Luukka, I. Mandic, D. Menichelli, M. Mikuz, O. Militaru, S. Mueller, T. Mäenpää, T. O. Niinikoski, V. O'Shea, C. Parkes, K. Piotrzkowski, S. Pirollo, P. Pusa, J. Räisänen, E. Tuovinen, J. Vaitkus, E. Verbitskaya, S. Väyrynen, M. Zavrtanik

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1 Citation (Scopus)


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