Movement of a living object is measured by a movement sensor carried by one living object at a time for forming one measurement signal per one living object. The measurement signal is compared with a predetermined reference signal which may be measured from a known living object in a similar way. A recognition operation is performed based on the comparison between the measurement signal and the predetermined reference signal, the recognition operation resulting in recognition or non-recognition.
Patent family as of 27.8.2021
FI20045336 A0 20040913 FI20040005336 20040913
US2006080551 AA 20060413 US20050222113 20050909
US7685433 BB 20100323 US20050222113 20050909
WO06030065 A1 20060323 WO2005FI50312 20050909
Link to current patent family on right
Original language | English |
Patent number | US2006080551 |
IPC | A61B 5/ 00 A N |
Priority date | 13/09/04 |
Publication status | Published - 13 Apr 2006 |
MoE publication type | H1 Granted patent |