Recovery of nutrients and energy from sewage sludge and animal manure

Matti Nieminen (Inventor)

    Research output: PatentPatent


    According to an example aspect of the present invention, there is provided a method for recovering nutrients and energy from sewage sludge and animal manure in an efficient manner by combining unit operations of drying, thermal gasification and ammonia and phosphorus recovery. In addition, a tailored fertilizer is provided from the recovered ammonia and phosphorus.

    Patent family as of 22.12.2021
    CN111278776 A 20200612 CN201880070445 20180912      
    EP3681845 A1 20200722 EP20180774088 20180912      
    FI127645 B 20181115 FI20170005808 20170912      
    FI20175808 A 20181115 FI20170005808 20170912      
    WO19053327 A1 20190321 WO2018FI50648 20180912

    Link to currentpatent family on right 

    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberFI20175808
    IPCF23G 7/ 00 A N
    Priority date12/09/17
    Publication statusPublished - 15 Nov 2018
    MoE publication typeH1 Granted patent


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