Remote handling assessment of attachment concepts for DEMO blanket segments

Daniel Iglesias (Corresponding Author), Roger Bastow, Dave Cooper, Robert Crowe, Dave Middleton-Gear, Romain Sibois, Dario Carloni, Zsolt Vizvary, Oliver Crofts, Jon Harman, Antony Loving

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    4 Citations (Scopus)


    The replacement strategy of the massive Multi-Module Blanket Segments (MMS) is a key driver in the design of several DEMO systems. These include the blankets themselves, the vacuum vessel (VV) and its ports and the Remote Maintenance System (RMS).Common challenges to any blanket attachment system have been identified, such as the need for applying a preload to the MMS manifold, the effects of the decay heat and several uncertainties related to permanent deformations when removing the blanket segments after service. The WP12 kinematics of the MMS in-vessel transportation was adapted to the requirements of each of the supports during 2013 and 2014 design activities.The RM equipment envisaged for handling attachments and earth connections may be composed of up to three different assemblies. An In-Vessel Mover at the divertor level handles the lower support and earth bonding, and could stabilize the MMS during transportation. A Shield Plug crane with a 6 DoF manipulator operates the upper attachment and earth straps. And a Vertical Maintenance Crane is responsible for the in-vessel MMS transportation and can handle the removable upper support pins. A final proposal is presented which can potentially reduce the number of required systems, at the same time that speeds-up the RMS global operations.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1500-1504
    JournalFusion Engineering and Design
    Publication statusPublished - 2015
    MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


    • remote handling
    • DEMO
    • blanket segments
    • attachments


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