Requirements dependability and traceability in automation systems

Janne Valkonen

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference article in proceedingsScientific


    The report describes the research efforts performed during the author's secondee period at the Halden Reactor Project. The report is divided into four parts summarizing the tasks carried out during the research period. The first documented task during the secondment was making a survey about requirements elicitation and analysis, which gives an overview of the subject area. The second task concerned a survey about design of dependable automation systems. Related to this task, it was written a conference paper "Vision of a Framework for Design Guides for Development of Safety Critical Applications" which was presented in the 24th International System Safety Conference (Appendix 1). In the third task, the purpose was to analyse FSAR (Final safety analysis report) documents used in design of two Halden simulators, and try to extract applicable information for the purposes of pattern creation. The fourth task dealt with requirements traceability in the documentation of the development life cycle of the core surveillance system in a nuclear power plant.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationEnlarged Halden Programme Group Meeting: Proceedings of the Man-Technology-Organization Sessions
    Place of PublicationHalden
    PublisherInstitute for Energy Technology (IFE)
    Number of pages51
    Publication statusPublished - 2007
    MoE publication typeB3 Non-refereed article in conference proceedings
    EventEnlarged Halden Programme Group Meeting, EHPG 2007 - Storefjell Resort Hotel, Gol, Norway
    Duration: 11 Mar 200716 Mar 2007


    ConferenceEnlarged Halden Programme Group Meeting, EHPG 2007


    • requirements engineering
    • dependability
    • requirements elicitation
    • licensing
    • requirements traceability
    • automation system


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