Requirements management tool support for software engineering in collaboration: Master's thesis

Samuli Heinonen

    Research output: ThesisMaster's thesis


    Rigorous competition and tight time-to-market and quality requirements of
    products are nowadays driving companies to develop products in collaboration.
    Collaborative development also comes with challenges; communication between
    parties and product and workflow management during the development
    becomes more difficult. Especially, requirements management is seen as one of
    the most critical activities during the development process. In practice,
    requirements management means the identification of requirements and
    managing the requirements change. Change management includes
    requirements traceability between other requirements and between
    requirements and other artefacts, such as design and source code items and test
    cases. With the help of traceability, it is possible to see how certain requirement
    change impacts on the product features and on whole development process.
    One possible solution to help the requirements management on collaborative
    development is the utilization of requirements management tools. In this thesis,
    it is studied what needs and requirements software industry has for
    requirements management tools and what kind of software tools are available
    on the market and how they can support requirements management in
    collaboration. This study started by analysing and evaluating requirements
    management tools and their strengths and weaknesses against the collaborationbased criteria. Based on this evaluation, one of the tools (IBM Rational RequisitePro) was chosen for a tryout in a case study, where it was analysed against the criteria with a fictional scenario. In collaborative software
    development, it is important that different tool vendor’s tools can work together
    and, for example, traceability links between different product artefacts can be
    shaped. For that reason, RequisitePro and Telelogic Synergy CM tools are
    integrated between themselves using the Eclipse Framework as a base of
    integration. This integration demands the development of an extension plug-in
    between RequisitePro and Eclipse in order that these tools compose a working
    solution for RM tool support in collaboration. Based on the case study, we gained clear improvement proposals especially for a plug-in, so that it is easier to continue developing it. The case study also gave experiences and additional information about constructing a collaborative software development environment and thus, helping the development of the tool chain infrastructure. It can be said that processes, practices and agreements are drivers for inter-company collaboration and the role of the tools is to provide discipline for the practices and processes as well as contribute activities for more effective collaboration.
    Original languageEnglish
    QualificationMaster Degree
    Awarding Institution
    • University of Oulu
    Place of PublicationOulu
    Publication statusPublished - 2006
    MoE publication typeG2 Master's thesis, polytechnic Master's thesis


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