Research on the transport and chemistry of fission products in primary circuit and containment conditions at VTT

Teemu Kärkelä, Jarmo Kalilainen, Pekka Rantanen, Ari Auvinen, Jorma Jokiniemi

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference articleScientific


    The behaviour of fission products (FPs) during a severe nuclear power plant accident has been studied at VTT for the past 25 years. The focus has been on the transport and chemistry of aerosols in the primary circuit and the containment. In the past containment aerosols have been studied e.g. with intermediate scale facilities AHMED and VICTORIA. In primary circuit the studies have included resuspension and revaporisation phenomena as well as retention of FPs in steam generators. In recent years the main interest has been on ruthenium and iodine, because of their high radiotoxicity and possibility to form gaseous compounds
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2012
    MoE publication typeNot Eligible
    EventNuclear 2012, 5th Annual International Conference on Sustainable Development through Nuclear Research and Education - Pitesti, Romania
    Duration: 16 May 201218 May 2012


    ConferenceNuclear 2012, 5th Annual International Conference on Sustainable Development through Nuclear Research and Education


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