title = "Safety and reliability. Technology theme: Final report",
abstract = "{"}Safety and reliability{"} has been one of the four strategic technology themes of VTT. Technology themes are research programmes initiated and financed by VTT. In this theme, technologies, system models, and measurement, modelling and estimation methods have been developed for the Finnish industry's needs. The results have been applied to the development of safety and the lifecycle management of socio-technical systems. In the theme, particularly the following expertise, and knowledge areas have been utilised and developed: safety engineering, risk management, system engineering, machine diagnostics and monitoring, psychology, microbiology and management of safety and dependability knowledge. The research in the theme has been focused on: methods for life cycle management of production systems, human-technology interaction (HTI) and safety, and new technologies and operating principles. This report describes the research carried out and the main results obtained in the Safety and reliability technology theme.",
keywords = "reliability, safety engineering, risk management, system engineering, machine diagnostics, life cycle assessment, human factors, microbiologial safety, safety management, dependability",
editor = "Veikko Rouhiainen",
year = "2006",
language = "English",
isbn = "951-38-6696-3",
series = "VTT Publications",
publisher = "VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland",
number = "592",
address = "Finland",