Safety Impact of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems in Europe

Research output: ThesisMaster's thesis


This thesis assesses the impact of four mandatory Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) under the European Union (EU) General Safety Regulation 2019/2144, namely Automatic Emergency Braking (AEB), Lane Keeping Assistance (LKA), Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA), and reversing detection with camera, on traffic safety in the EU 27 member states (EU-27) in 2030. The safety impact estimation considered market penetration rate estimates, literature review findings of effect sizes, and the proportion of target accidents per ADAS in relation to all injury accidents.

The results indicate that AEB would be the most effective of all four mandatory ADAS investigated, as it was estimated to account for a 5.6% accident reduction. Advisory ISA was the second most effective system, bringing an estimated 0.8% accident reduction. LKA was the third most effective system, estimated to reduce accidents by 0.4%. Finally, reverse cameras were estimated to reduce the number of injury and fatal accidents in the EU-27 in 2030 by 0.2%. AEB, LKA, ISA, and reverse cameras could, combined, reduce injury and fatal accidents by approximately 6.8% in the EU-27 in 2030, compared to the 2019 baseline. The combined impact result is lower than the sum of each ADAS’ safety impacts, since one accident type can be targeted by multiple ADAS simultaneously.

The EU has set the goal to halve the number of road deaths and serious injuries from 2019 to 2030. The results of this thesis suggest that the four mandatory systems investigated are likely to contribute to reaching this target. However, ADAS deployment should be combined with other measures capable of producing an impact on any of the three dimensions of safety (accident risk, exposure, and consequence). Further research is needed to assess which other measures would be the most effective in helping achieve the EU safety goals.
Original languageEnglish
QualificationMaster Degree
Awarding Institution
  • Aalto University
  • Roncoli, Claudio, Supervisor, External person
  • Innamaa, Satu, Advisor
  • Malin, Fanny, Advisor
Award date29 Dec 2023
Publication statusPublished - 22 Jan 2024
MoE publication typeG2 Master's thesis, polytechnic Master's thesis


This master’s thesis was carried out at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd. in the framework of the Hi-Drive project, which received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101006664.


  • advanced driver assistance systems
  • ADAS
  • traffic safety
  • impact assessment


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