Satellite payloads with optical interconnects: Solving the bandwidth bottleneck in space

M. Vervaeke, C. Debaes, J. Van Erps, Mikko Karppinen, Antti Tanskanen, Timo Aalto, Mikko Harjanne, H. Thienpont

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference article in proceedingsScientific


    We present the results of a study to assess the viability of optical datacommunication solutions to alleviate the demands regarding power consumption and aggregate bandwidth imposed on future satellite communication payloads. Optimization of the satellite real-estate usage push payload designers towards very large capacity, high computational and flexible, transparent digital solutions, handling a total internal digital througput in excess of 1 Tb/s to cope with the increasing bandwidth demand of future broadband communication services.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publication2011 ICO International Conference on Information Photonics (IP). Ottawa, ON, Canada, 18-20 May 2011
    Place of PublicationPiscataway, NJ, USA
    PublisherIEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
    Number of pages2
    ISBN (Electronic)978-1-61284-318-6
    ISBN (Print)978-1-61284-315-5
    Publication statusPublished - 2011
    MoE publication typeB3 Non-refereed article in conference proceedings


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