Self-organizing network concepts for small cells backhauling

Kari Seppänen (Inventor), Jorma Kilpi (Inventor), Tapio Suihko (Inventor), Jori Paananen (Inventor), Pekka Wainio (Inventor), David Chen (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent


A mesh network includes domain(s) of multiple nodes interconnected through links and in which there are gateway(s) connecting a domain to another network. The domain(s), their multiple nodes, and their links are part of a topology. A set of primary and backup routing paths, each including an ST that includes the selected gateway and route to that selected gateway for nodes in the domain, for a selected one of the gateway(s) is accessed or determined. Schedule(s) to be used by node(s) in the mesh network over one or more scheduling cycles are accessed or determined. Based on status of link(s) between nodes and on the schedule(s), switching is performed to a selected one of the primary or backup routing paths for the selected gateway. Routing in the mesh network is caused to be modified based on the selected routing path. Information is sent to nodes for the paths and schedules.

Patent family as of 14.9.2023
Publication numberPublication dateApplication numberApplication date
CN107873126 A20180403CN20168003517920160415
CN107873126 B20210205CN20168003517920160415
DE602016014822 D120190627DE201660014822T20160415
EP3284287 A120180221EP2016072024920160415
EP3284287 B120190605EP2016072024920160415
JP2018516499 T220180621JP20170554289T20160415
JP6535387 B220190626JP20170554289T20160415
KR20180008489 A20180124KR2017703313220160415
US11758421 BB20230912US2017056646220160415
US2018302807 AA20181018US2017056646220160415
WO16168603 A120161020WO2016US2776220160415
WO16168603 A920161208WO2016US2776220160415

Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS11758421 B2
Filing date15/04/16
Publication statusPublished - 12 Sept 2023
MoE publication typeH1 Granted patent


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