Sizing method for board

Antti Heikkinen (Inventor), Mikko Tani (Inventor), Vesa Huovila (Inventor), Elias Retulainen (Inventor)

    Research output: PatentPatent application


    A method for managing the water sorption of a board by layered sizing is provided, such that the sizing of a central layer is effected with a hydrophobic and fast-curing adhesive, and the surface sizing in preparation for calendering is effected with an adhesive which is hydrophilic during its curing period, such that, during a surface wetting process, water sorption occurs substantially only into a topliner.

    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberUS2005072541
    IPCD21H 27/ 10 A N
    Priority date13/12/02
    Publication statusPublished - 7 Apr 2005
    MoE publication typeNot Eligible


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