Smart authentication and authorization in heterogeneous networked world: Licenciate thesis

    Research output: ThesisLicenciate


    Our living environments are full of various connected computing devices. These environments in homes, offices, public spaces, transportation etc. are gaining abilities to acquire and apply knowledge about the environment and its users in order to improve users' experience in that environment. However, before smart adaptive solutions can be deployed in critical applications, authentication and authorization mechanisms are needed to provide protection against various security threats. These mechanisms must be able to interoperate and share information with different devices. The thesis focuses to questions on how to facilitate the interoperability of authentication and authorization solutions and how to enable adaptability and smartness of these solutions. To address questions, this thesis explores existing authentication and authorizations solutions. Then the thesis builds new reusable, interoperable, and adaptive security solutions. The smart space concept, based on semantic web technologies and publish-and-subscribe architecture, is recognized as a prominent approach for interoperability. We contribute by proposing solutions, which facilitate implementation of smart access control applications. An essential enabler for smart spaces is a secure platform for information sharing. This platform can be based on various security protocols and frameworks, providing diverse security levels. We survey security-levels and feasibility of some key establishment protocols and solutions for authentication and authorization. We also study ecosystem and adaptation issues as well as design and implement a fine-grained and context-based reusable security model, which enables development of self-configuring and adaptive authorization solutions.
    Original languageEnglish
    QualificationLicentiate Degree
    Awarding Institution
    • Aalto University
    • Aura, Tuomas, Supervisor, External person
    Place of PublicationEspoo
    Publication statusPublished - 2013
    MoE publication typeG3 Licentiate thesis


    • security
    • authentication
    • authorization
    • interoperability
    • smart space


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