Spatially faithful telepresence supporting varying geometries and moving users

Seppo Valli (Inventor), Pekka Siltanen (Inventor), PCMS Holdings, Inc. (Inventor)

    Research output: PatentPatent application


    Systems and methods described herein are provided for managing user positions in a shared virtual geometry, capturing 360 degrees views of a local user environment in a spatially faithful system, and computing a perspective view of a first user from the eye-point of a second user. Users may move around the shared virtual geometry, and perspective views of users may be updated. Some embodiments use a co-centric geometry for group conferencing with other users. Some embodiments may use a grid-based geometry for exploration with other users. Some embodiments may reduce transferred bitrates to enable systems and methods to be implemented in data-limited environments. Some embodiments support users moving and navigating a shared virtual geometry.
    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberWO18226508 A1
    IPCH04N13/194,H04N 13/279 ,H04N 7/15, H04N 7/14
    Priority date9/06/17
    Filing date31/05/18
    Publication statusPublished - 13 Dec 2018
    MoE publication typeNot Eligible


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