title = "Standard k- model, SHIH k- model and RSM predictions of trailing vortex induced by a 45o pitched blade turbine",
abstract = "The trailing vortex induced by a 4/45° ptd was modelled using Fluent 5 CFD software. A dense grid, locally refined with hanging nodes was used in the impeller swept area. The standard and Shih k-e models as well as the Reynolds stress model (RSM) with near-wall calculation were tested. The standard k-e model predicted the tip vortex and the main flow quite well, only damping the vortex too early. The Shih k-e model improved the prediction of vortex extend and rotation, but failed to predict k correctly in the rotating coordinate zone of the multiple reference frame grid. The RSM predicted the strongest vortex, but underpredicted k in bulk region of the tank.",
keywords = "stirred tank, cfd, turbulence, trailing vortex",
author = "Jouni Syrj{\"a}nen",
year = "2000",
language = "English",
series = "VTT Energy Reports",
publisher = "VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland",
number = "23/2000",
address = "Finland",