Strain accumulation in bituminous binders under repeated creep-recovery loading predicted from small-amplitude oscillatory shear (SAOS) experiments

Olli Ville Laukkanen, H. Henning Winter

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

7 Citations (Scopus)


The creep-recovery (CR) test starts out with a period of shearing at constant stress (creep) and is followed by a period of zero-shear stress where some of the accumulated shear strain gets reversed. Linear viscoelasticity (LVE) allows one to predict the strain response to repeated creep-recovery (RCR) loading from measured small-amplitude oscillatory shear (SAOS) data. Only the relaxation and retardation time spectra of a material need to be known and these can be determined from SAOS data. In an application of the Boltzmann superposition principle (BSP), the strain response to RCR loading can be obtained as a linear superposition of the strain response to many single creep-recovery tests. SAOS and RCR data were collected for several unmodified and modified bituminous binders, and the measured and predicted RCR responses were compared. Generally good agreement was found between the measured and predicted strain accumulation under RCR loading. However, in the case of modified binders, the strain accumulation was slightly overestimated (≤20% relative error) due to the insufficient SAOS information at long relaxation times. Our analysis also demonstrates that the evolution in the strain response under RCR loading, caused by incomplete recovery, can be reasonably well predicted by the presented methodology. It was also shown that the outlined modeling framework can be used, as a first approximation, to estimate the rutting resistance of bituminous binders by predicting the values of the Multiple Stress Creep Recovery (MSCR) test parameters.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)499-518
Number of pages20
JournalMechanics of Time-Dependent Materials
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2018
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • Bituminous binders
  • Boltzmann superposition principle
  • Creep-recovery
  • Rheology
  • Rutting


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