Structural analysis 1992

Timo Mikkola (Editor)

Research output: Book/ReportBook (editor)Scientificpeer-review


The Structural Analysis (Rakenneanalyysi, Ra) Research Programme (1989 1991) of the Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT) aimed at developing advanced methods and programs for practical engineering work. The research programme concentrated on numerical methods for structural analysis and it developed a basis for the quality system of structural analysis. The several applications dealt with various practical engineering problems ranging from the analysis of defected or cracked components under fatigue or high temperature loading to vibration analysis of large structures. The programme was divided into three projects the first of which focused on developing analysis systems and methods for quality assurance and result accuracy assessment. The second and third projects focused on structural integrity and dynamical analyses respectively. The research work was performed mainly by the research groups of the several laboratories of VTT and partly by industry and consults. The research programme was financed by VTT together with several industrial and other partners. This publication documents the papers presented at the 'RAKENNEANALYYSI 1992' -seminar on 17. and 18.3.1992 at Hanasaari Espoo. The seminar presented the main results of the research programme. The seminar papers were divided into three main topics which were 'Structural Integrity', 'Quality and Result Accuracy' and 'Structural Dynamics'. Part of the research work was presented and demonstrated in a poster session. Special theme for the seminar was quality and result accuracy and two invited speakers presented papers on this topic. Prof. Alf Samuelsson from Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden gave a presentation on 'FE-analysis accuracy and adaptive methods'. Dipl. ing. Jan Cristian Anker from the Anker-Zemer Eng. A/S, Norway spoke on 'Error estimation and adaptive meshing' and demonstrated the ANSYS finite element program. These papers are not included in this publication.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationEspoo
PublisherVTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Number of pages179
ISBN (Print)951-38-3959-1
Publication statusPublished - 1992
MoE publication typeC2 Edited books
EventStructural analysis 1992 - Helsinki, Finland
Duration: 17 Mar 199218 Mar 1992

Publication series

SeriesVTT Symposium


  • structural analysis
  • dynamic structural analysis
  • numerical analysis
  • defects
  • cracks
  • mathematical models
  • accuracy
  • finite element analysis
  • reinforced plastics
  • fires
  • quality assurance
  • vibration
  • impact
  • expert systems
  • databases


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