Structural and nanomechanical properties of paperboard coatings studied by peak force tapping atomic force microscopy

Majid Sababi, John Kettle, Hille Rautkoski, Per M. Claesson, Esben Thormann (Corresponding Author)

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    45 Citations (Scopus)


    Paper coating formulations containing starch, latex, and clay were applied to paperboard and have been investigated by scanning electron microscopy and Peak Force tapping atomic force microscopy. A special focus has been on the measurement of the variation of the surface topography and surface material properties with a nanometer scaled spatial resolution. The effects of coating composition and drying conditions were investigated. It is concluded that the air-coating interface of the coating is dominated by close-packed latex particles embedded in a starch matrix and that the spatial distribution of the different components in the coating can be identified due to their variation in material properties. Drying the coating at an elevated temperature compared to room temperature changes the surface morphology and the surface material properties due to partial film formation of latex. However, it is evident that the chosen elevated drying temperature and exposure time is insufficient to ensure complete film formation of the latex which in an end application will be needed.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)5534-5541
    JournalACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
    Issue number10
    Publication statusPublished - 2012
    MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


    • Atomic force microscopy
    • coating
    • material properties
    • nanocomposites
    • paperboard
    • topography


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