Study of possible usage of Finnish building technology in Chinese building development

Youchen Fan, Erkki Kokko, Pekka Pajakkala, Markku Virtanen, Juho Saarimaa, Fengxiang Tu, Siwei Lang, Shide Hu, Huahu Qin, Meijun Wang

Research output: Book/ReportReport

1 Citation (Scopus)


In the last twenty years, China has experienced a fast economical development with a two digit annual growth rate. Again China proved that her economy can maintain relatively fast growth, a 7.2 % increase in the first nine months of this year, despite the fact that her neighbors are facing negative growth and a financial crisis that started last summer from Thailand. Such a booming economy is attracting every foreign company with good operations to look for possible business opportunities in China. With the help of hi-tech telecommunication devices, Finnish companies may have already learnt something about the large emerging Chinese market. However, these companies may be able to reduce the possible misunderstandings and wrong doings if the Finnish engineering professionals, researchers and businessmen study and learn from the opinions of some experienced Chinese professionals about the Chinese development. This study concentrates on buildings. The first chapter outlines the moment status of the Chinese building industry, including building production, systems, construction equipment, HVAC systems & components, and building science & technology. The second chapter predicts the future development of the Chinese building, including construction scale & focus, residential buildings, HVAC systems, and construction in cities & in countryside. The third chapter describes the technical issues related to buildings, including building design, energy efficiency, appliances, standardization, structure, materials, construction technologies, and computer usage. The fourth chapter introduces the possible and on going international collaborations including energy saving, environmental protection, sewage treatment, and intelligent buildings. The fifth chapter views the Chinese building market, including energy saving materials & equipment, HVAC, structure property detection, used water treatment, city garbage disposal, composite materials, ready-to-assemble furniture, and the sealing of window frames. The final chapter concludes the opportunities in the Chinese building development.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationEspoo
PublisherVTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Number of pages101
ISBN (Print)951-38-5366-7
Publication statusPublished - 1999
MoE publication typeNot Eligible

Publication series

SeriesVTT Publications


  • construction materials
  • HVAC
  • construction industry
  • cooperation
  • construction equipment
  • energy saving
  • utilization
  • China
  • Finland


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