Study on voluntary arrangements for collaborative working in the field of construction services (Parts 1-3)

John Rigby, David Lowe, Roger Courtney, Kathryn Morrison, Deborah Cox, Francis Chittenden, Jean Shaoul, Graham Winch, Georges Klepfisch, Jacob Larsen, Pertti Lahdenperä, Rob Geraedts, Hans Wamelink, Thorbjörn Ingavaldsen, Stefan Sandesten

    Research output: Book/ReportReport


    This Report stems from a study contract placed by DG Enterprise and Industry with a research consortium led by Manchester Business School, UK (Contract No SI2.ICNPROCE015827500]). The study reviewed the use of voluntary arrangements that promote collaborative working in the construction sector in selected EU Member States, and the methods (‘approaches’) that had been adopted to promote these arrangements, and then on the basis of that review developed a ‘Best Practice’ Guide to such arrangements for use by the Commission in promoting their wider application. The study started on 20th December 2007, a draft of the guidance document was submitted on 20th November 2008 and the draft Final Report submitted on 20th January 2009.
    The Report has three parts:
    Part 1 This main report, which covers the study process and presents the main findings and conclusions of the study
    Part 2 The draft Guide together with the some 21 associated Case Studies.
    Part 3 Seven Country Reports, one from each country represented in the Study Team, which provide an overview of that country’s experience with voluntary arrangements for collaboration in the construction sector
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationBrussels
    PublisherUniversity of Manchester
    Publication statusPublished - 2009
    MoE publication typeD4 Published development or research report or study


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