A superconducting thermal detector (bolometer) of THz (sub-millimeter) wave radiation based on sensing the change in the amplitude or phase of a resonator circuit, consisting of a capacitor (Csh) and a superconducting temperature dependent inductor where the said inductor is thermally isolated from the heat bath (chip substrate) by micro-suspensions. The bolometer design includes a thin film inductor located on the membrane, a single or/and multi-layered thin film capacitor, and a thin film absorber of incoming radiation. The bolometer design can also include a lithographic antenna with antenna termination and/or a back reflector beneath the membrane for optimal wavelength detection by the resonance circuit. The superconducting thermal detector (bolometer) and arrays of these detectors operate in a temperature range from 1 Kelvin to 10 Kelvin.
Patent family as of 22.10.2021
EP2965054 A1 20160113 EP20140719807 20140304US10145743 BB 20181204 US20140773359 20140304
US2016018267 AA 20160121 US20140773359 20140304
WO14135749 A1 20140912 WO2014FI50158 20140304
Link to current patent family on right
Original language | English |
Patent number | US2016018267 |
IPC | H01L 37/ 00 A I |
Priority date | 4/03/14 |
Publication status | Published - 21 Jan 2016 |
MoE publication type | H1 Granted patent |