Synthesis of muconic acid (ester) from aldaric acid (ester)

Nicolaas Van Strien (Inventor), Sari Rautiainen (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent


According to an example aspect of the present invention, there is provided an energy efficient and environmentally benign method for producing muconic acid and muconic acid esters from aldaric acid esters.

Patent family as of 4.10.2024
Publication numberPublication dateApplication numberApplication date
EP4392400 A120240703EP2022076443720220826
FI130932 B20240604FI2021000590120210827
FI20215901 A20230228FI2021000590120210827

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Original languageEnglish
Patent numberFI130932 B
IPCC07C 69/ 602 A I
Priority date27/08/21
Publication statusPublished - 4 Jun 2024
MoE publication typeH1 Granted patent


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