Synthesis of the recommendations

Giacomo Aiello, Jarir Aktaa, Olivier Ancelet, Michal Angiolini, Giuseppe Barbieri, Martine Blat Yrieix, Sophie Dubiez-Le Goff, G. Dundulis, L. Forest, G. Giannuzzi, A. Grybenas, Stefan Holmström, C. Jia Chao, Thierre Lebarbé, Hyeong-Yeon Lee, Philippe Matheron, Karl-Fredrik Nilsson, Rami Pohja, Carsten Schroer, G. SmithClaudio Testani, K. Zhang

    Research output: Book/ReportReport

    20 Citations (Scopus)


    This report constitutes the deliverable D4.8 - "Synthesis of the recommendations" of the Work Package 4 - "Design Rules" of the MATTER project. It presents a synthesis of the outcomes of the activities performed in Domain 2 - "Prenormative R&D for Codes and Standards" with the objective to revise and update the design rules in order to answer to some short term needs of the two projects ASTRID & MYRRHA with respect to the design and the construction of the structural components. Several tasks within the Domain 2 of the MATTER project were devoted to the improvement of selected design rules contained in present-day C&S for which uncertainties existed with respect to GEN-IV reactor materials and operating conditions. The recommendations issued by these tasks have been summarized and presented in the respective chapters of this report. They are further discussed in view of their possible inclusion in the selected C&S. Suggestions on how to improve them are given when necessary.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherEuropean Commission EC
    Publication statusPublished - 2015
    MoE publication typeD4 Published development or research report or study


    • nuclear material design rules
    • desing codes


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