System and method for adaptively informing road users about a temporary traffic disturbance

Mikko Tarkiainen (Inventor), Jussi Ronkainen (Inventor), Marko Palviainen (Inventor), Jani Mantyjarvi (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent application


Methods and systems are described for routing and/or rerouting vehicles based on predicted route blockages, such as pre-scheduled stops by delivery vehicles or other wide vehicles. In an exemplary embodiment, a system such as a navigation server obtains information including a scheduled stop location of a first vehicle, such as a delivery truck, and a predicted time during which the first vehicle is predicted to be at the stop location. The system further obtains information regarding an initial route of a second vehicle. The system determines whether the first vehicle would block the route of the second vehicle and, if so, the system computes an alternate route for the second vehicle.

Original languageEnglish
Patent numberWO2017136283 A1
IPCG08G 1/127
Priority date5/02/16
Publication statusPublished - 10 Aug 2017
MoE publication typeNot Eligible


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