System and method for content adaptation and pagination based on terminal capabilities

Mikko Mäkipää (Inventor), Hemant Madan (Inventor), Oleg Beletski (Inventor), Erkki Tanskanen (Inventor), Caj Södergård (Inventor), Matti Aaltonen (Inventor), Timo Järvinen (Inventor), Akseli Anttila (Inventor), Tapio Hämeen-Anttila (Inventor), Juuso Vuorenoja (Inventor), Toni Kopra (Inventor), Timo Kinnunen (Inventor), Antti Tammela (Inventor), Antti Väätänen (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent


A system, method and computer program for paginating information received from a content provider so that it may be displayed on any type of user terminal having any size screen and having different types of mechanisms for input of information. This system has a pagination and terminal adaptation module which will calculate the space needed by element to be displayed on a user terminal. The pagination and terminal adaptation module will then determine if sufficient space exits on the user terminal screen to display the element. When sufficient space does not exist on the user terminal screen then the pagination and terminal adaptation module will resize the element when possible in order to make it fit. The pagination and terminal adaptation module accesses a database of user terminal profile information to determine the characteristics of the user terminal as well as the screen size. This system further is able to transmit information in a continuous stream to the user terminal or as a single element that will only update a portion of the user terminal screen. Using this system a user is able to access web site pages regardless of the type of terminal being used and no matter how small the screen size is.

Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS6556217 B1
IPCG06F 17/ 30 A I
Priority date1/06/00
Publication statusPublished - 29 Apr 2003
MoE publication typeH1 Granted patent


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