System and method for preprocessing of focal planes data for rendering

Pekka Siltanen (Inventor), Seppo Valli (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent


Systems and methods for rendering a 3D image are provided. The system receives texture and depth data (depth map) for an image. The system generates, based on the image data, a plurality of folded focal planes matrices. For each respective pixel matrix, the system preprocesses pixel values in the respective focal pixel plane matrix to generate a respective preprocessed matrix, wherein the respective preprocessed matrix clusters together pixel values of the respective folded focal plane matrix based on the depth data for the image. The system generates phase functions based on a plurality of the preprocessed matrices. The system configures a spatial light modulator of the SLM device in accordance with the generated phase functions. The system then provides the plurality of the preprocessed matrices as input to the SLM device to generate for display a 3D representation of the received image data.
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS11902503 B1
Priority date18/11/23
Filing date18/11/23
Publication statusPublished - 13 Feb 2024
MoE publication typeH1 Granted patent


  • Focal planes
  • Depth perception
  • 3D displays


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