System and method for routing and reorganization of a vehicle platoon in a smart city

Mikko Tarkiainen (Inventor), Matti Kutila (Inventor), Ari Virtanen (Inventor), Pertti Peussa (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent


Systems and methods described herein are provided for determining a platoon configuration for a group of vehicles, determining a set of routes connecting two locations, determining for each route segment the platoon configurations supported and the availability of roadside units on the route segment, and selecting a route from the set of routes connecting the two locations. A route may be selected based on the availability of a roadside unit (RSU) to request an extended time period for a green light to enable a length of the platoon to traverse through an intersection prior to the time period ending. Systems and methods described herein may enable a reconfiguration of a platoon to meet a platoon size restriction for a segment of the selected route.

Patent family as of 23.3.2022
DE602017026073 D1 20201112 DE201760026073T 20171206
EP3552071 A1 20191016 EP20170822847 20171206
EP3552071 B1 20201021 EP20170822847 20171206
US2020064140 AA 20200227 US20170461311 20171206
WO18106774 A1 20180614 WO2017US64851 20171206

Link to current family on right
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberEP3552071 B1
Filing date6/12/17
Publication statusPublished - 21 Oct 2020
MoE publication typeH1 Granted patent


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