System and method for wearable electronic devices and smart clothing that includes integrating an electronic circuit into one or more fastening devices on an article of clothing. One or more electronic devices integrated with or attached to the clothing are controlled or monitored based on a position of the fastening device where the position relates to how much the fastening device is fastened.
Patent family as of 20.9.2021
US2002084901 AA 20020704 US20010750719 20010102
US6801140 BB 20041005 US20010750719 20010102
Link to current family on right
Original language | English |
Patent number | US06801140 B2 |
IPC | A44B 19/30 |
Priority date | 2/01/01 |
Filing date | 2/01/01 |
Publication status | Published - 5 Oct 2004 |
MoE publication type | H1 Granted patent |