System and method for use in a secure personal data marketplace (patent application)

Asta Bäck (Inventor), Markku Kylänpää (Inventor), Raimo Launonen (Inventor), Aino Mensonen (Inventor), Ville Ollikainen (Inventor), Caj Södergård (Inventor), Sari Vainikainen (Inventor)

    Research output: PatentPatent application


    Systems and methods for use in a secure personal data marketplace are disclosed. In accordance with one method, a request for processed user data from a requesting party is received at an electronic marketplace. The request for the processed user data is published from the electronic marketplace to a plurality of responding agents. The plurality of responding agents determine whether one or more of the users will be a user participant. The responding agents send the user information for the user participants to the electronic marketplace, where the user information is processed in a trusted environment to generate the processed user data requested by the requesting party. The processed user data is sent from the electronic marketplace to the requesting party, and the user information and processed user data is deleted from the electronic marketplace once the processed user data has been sent to the requesting party.
    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberWO2016053718 A1
    Priority date30/09/14
    Publication statusPublished - 30 Sept 2014
    MoE publication typeNot Eligible


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