Systematic bioinformatic analysis of expression levels of 17,330 human genes across 9,783 samples from 175 types of healthy and pathological tissues

Sami Kilpinen, R. Autio, K. Ojala, Kristiina Iljin, Elmar Bucher, Henri Sara, T. Pisto, M. Saarela, Rolf Skotheim, Mari Björkman, John Mpindi, Saija Haapa-Paananen, Paula Vainio, Henrik Edgren, Maija Wolf, J. Astola, Matthias Nees, S. Hautaniemi, Olli Kallioniemi (Corresponding Author)

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    226 Citations (Scopus)


    Our knowledge on tissue- and disease-specific functions of human genes is rather limited and highly context-specific. Here, we have developed a method for the comparison of mRNA expression levels of most human genes across 9,783 Affymetrix gene expression array experiments representing 43 normal human tissue types, 68 cancer types, and 64 other diseases. This database of gene expression patterns in normal human tissues and pathological conditions covers 113 million datapoints and is available from the GeneSapiens website.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalGenome Biology
    Issue numberR139
    Publication statusPublished - 2008
    MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


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