Tellurium retention by containment spray system

Teemu Kärkelä (Corresponding Author), Anna-elina Pasi, Fredrik Espegren, Tuomo Sevón, Unto Tapper, Christian Ekberg

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A containment spray system is used to mitigate the source term from the containment building to the environment as part of the severe accident management actions. Tellurium is one of the volatile fission products and many of the tellurium isotopes decay into iodine, which causes a threat to the public due to its radiotoxicity and build-up in the thyroid gland. The removal efficiency of the containment spray system model against tellurium species formed under severe accident conditions was investigated with experiments and MELCOR simulations. The results indicated efficient removal of tellurium aerosols in the air atmosphere, whereas a decrease in the efficiency was observed in the nitrogen atmosphere. Gaseous tellurium species were not formed in significant amounts during the experiments and therefore, the removal efficiency due to different spray chemistry conditions could not be accurately analysed. However, the alkaline chemicals used in the spray solution seemed to form airborne particles, increasing the overall aerosol transport in the process independently of CsI or Te aerosol transport.
Original languageEnglish
Article number108622
JournalAnnals of Nuclear Energy
Publication statusPublished - 15 Dec 2021
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


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