TG2 - Final report on material characterisation: NESC, Network for evaluating structural components

Rauno Rintamaa, Tapio Planman

    Research output: Book/ReportReport


    The mechanical and physical properties and fracture toughness of the NESC spinning cylinder materials were measured in a comprehensive material characterisation programme completed at the end of 1998 (excluding reporting). The programme was implemented by the Materials Task Group of the project (Task Group 2), in which nine European institutes took part. The purpose of the programme was primarily
    to collect the material data needed for the structural integrity assessment of the cylinder in the simulated pressurised thermal shock (PTS) event. The material data produced were also used to assess the fracture behaviour of the cylinder in the experiment as well as to make sure that the test material used for the programme and the cylinder material corresponded with each other. The initial content of the programme was revised several times during the implementation. An overview of the main results of the material characterisation programme carried out for the cylinder materials (i.e. base metal, cladding, heataffected zone under the cladding and weld) as well as the manufacturing history of the cylinder and other background data are given in the report. The material tests carried out for the cylinder material after the PTS experiment confirm that the material used for pre-test material characterisation is representative with the cylinder material.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationPetten, The Netherlands
    PublisherEuropean Commission EC
    Number of pages80
    Publication statusPublished - 2000
    MoE publication typeD4 Published development or research report or study

    Publication series

    SeriesNESC Report
    NumberNESC DOC TG2 (99)03
    SeriesEU Publications


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