The biorefinery and green chemistry

Jyri Pekka Mikkola, Evangelos Sklavounos, Alistair W.T. King, Pasi Virtanen

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter or book articleScientificpeer-review

19 Citations (Scopus)


If the living standards of western societies are to be maintained while those of the developing world change at their current tempo, then, because of the depletion of fossil resources and concerns about the environment, the concept of biorefining, following the principles of green chemistry as well as sustainability, will surely become more and more important in the future. This chapter introduces the concept of what biorefineries are and discusses their sustainability, taking into account green chemistry and engineering aspects. As well as a brief history, today's situation in the biorefining industry is covered with several examples. Also, the directions for the future biorefineries are considered.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication Ionic Liquids in the Biorefinery Concept
Subtitle of host publicationChallenges and Perspectives
EditorsRafal Bogel-Lukasik
PublisherRoyal Society of Chemistry RSC
Number of pages37
ISBN (Electronic)978-1-78262-259-8, 978-1-78262-724-1
ISBN (Print)978-1-84973-976-4
Publication statusPublished - 2016
MoE publication typeA3 Part of a book or another research book

Publication series

SeriesRSC Green Chemistry


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