The Roles of Innovation Network Orchestrators in Healthcare Ecosystem

Minna Pikkarainen, Mari Ervasti, Pia Hurmelinna, Satu Nätti

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference article in proceedingsScientificpeer-review


    This study focuses on investigating how orchestrator role adoption happens in a healthcare ecosystem that is under significant transformation. Exploratory case study approach is taken to examine the roles and related orchestration activities taken by the innovation network orchestrator. The context of the case study, i.e. healthcare ecosystem aiming to co-create technological innovations to support pediatric surgery journey, provides valuable insights in the overall framework about innovation orchestration in service ecosystems, and adds knowledge to specific limitations set by the context-related issues. The findings of this study highlight the need for careful coordination that allows shared understanding of the goals of orchestration process and achievable innovation implementations. Neutral intermediary - a facilitator-orchestrator - is needed for the coordination task to bring the diverging actors together. Facilitator-orchestrators need to take many roles to support innovation cocreation in the healthcare ecosystem where expert work and communities of practice come together in varying ways.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationISPIM Innovation Symposium
    PublisherInternational Society for Professional Innovation Management ISPIM
    Number of pages14
    ISBN (Print)978-952-335-021-2
    Publication statusPublished - 2017
    MoE publication typeA4 Article in a conference publication
    EventISPIM Innovation Conference 2017: Composing the Innovation Symphony - Vienna, Austria
    Duration: 18 Jun 201721 Jun 2017


    ConferenceISPIM Innovation Conference 2017
    Abbreviated titleISPIM


    • innovation Orchestration
    • healthcare Ecosystem
    • roles
    • exploratory approach
    • case study


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