The spin-dependent structure function g1(x) of the proton from polarized deep-inelastic muon scattering

B. Adeva, E. Arik, A. Arvidson, B. Badelek, G. Bardin, G. Baum, P. Berglund, L. Betev, R. Birsa, N. de Botton, F. Bradamante, A. Bravar, A. Bressan, S. Bültmann, E. Burtin, D. Crabb, J. Cranshaw, T. Çuhadar, S. Dalla Torre, R. van DantzigB. Derro, A. Deshpande, S. Dhawan, C. Dulya, S. Eichblatt, D. Fasching, F. Feinstein, C. Fernandez, S. Forthmann, B. Frois, A. Gallas, J. A. Garzon, H. Gilly, M. Giorgi, S. Goertz, G. Gracia, N. de Groot, K. Haft, P. Hautle, N. Hayashi, C. A. Heusch, N. Horikawa, V. W. Hughes, G. Igo, S. Ishimoto, T. Iwata, E. M. Kabuß, T. Kageya, A. Karev, T. J. Ketel, J. Kiryluk, Y. Kisselev, V. Krivokhijine, W. Kröger, V. Kuktin, K. Kurek, J. Kyynäräinen, M. Lamanna, U. Landgraf, J. M. Le Goff, F. Lehar, A. de Lesquen, J. Lichtenstadt, M. Litmaath, A. Magnon, G. K. Mallot, F. Marie, A. Martin, J. Martino, T. Matsuda, B. Mayes, J. S. McCarthy, K. Medved, W. Meyer, G. van Middelkoop, D. Miller, Y. Miyachi, K. Mori, J. Moromisato, J. Nassalski, L. Naumann, T. O. Niinikoski, J. E.J. Oberski, A. Ogawa, M. Perdekamp, H. Pereira, F. Perrot-Kunne, D. Peshekhonov, L. Pinsky, S. Platchkov, M. Plo, D. Pose, H. Postma, J. Pretz, R. Puntaferro, G. Rädel, A. Rijllart, G. Reicherz, M. Rodriguez, E. Rondio

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We present a new measurement of the virtual photon proton asymmetry Ap1 from deep inelastic scattering of polarized muons on polarized protons in the kinematic range 0.0008 <x <0.7 and 0.2 <Q2 <100 GeV2. With this, the statistical uncertainty of our measurement has improved by a factor of 2 compared to our previous measurements. The spin-dependent structure function gp1 is determined for the data with Q2 > 1 GeV2. A perturbative QCD evolution in next-to-leading order is used to determine gp1(x) at a constant Q2. At Q2 = 10 GeV2 we find, in the measured range, ∫0.70.003 gp1(x)d x = 0.139 ± 0.006(stat) ± 0.008(syst) ± 0.006 (evol). The value of the first moment Γp1 = ∫10gp1(x)dx of gp1 depends on the approach used to describe the behaviour of gp1 at low x. We find that the Ellis-Jaffe sum rule is violated. With our published result for Γd1 we confirm the Bjorken sum rule with an accuracy of ≈ 15% at the one standard deviation level. © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)414-424
Number of pages11
JournalPhysics Letters B
Issue number3-4
Publication statusPublished - 30 Oct 1997
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


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