Thermal and chemical stability of the ß-W2N nitride phase

R. Mateus (Corresponding Author), M.C. Sequeira, C. Porosnicu, C.P. Lungu, Antti Hakola, E. Alves

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    17 Citations (Scopus)


    Pure Be, W and Be:W mixed coatings with nominal compositions of (5:5) and (1:9) were deposited on silicon plates and implanted at room temperature with 30 keV N+ ions with fluences up to 5e17 ions/cm2. Ion beam and X-ray diffraction analysis evidenced the formation of the α-Be3N2 and β-W2N nitrides. The identified tungsten nitride phase evolves from a BCC W lattice to a BCC W(N) solid solution after irradiating at a fluence of 1e17 N+/cm2 and to the compact FCC β-W2N structure at 5e17 N+/cm2. Thermal stability of β-W2N was investigated by annealing the coatings for 1 h up to 1073 K. The results point to the release of non-bonded nitrogen solute in β-W2N over the annealing range and to the thermal stability of the nitride phase up to 1073 K.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)462-467
    JournalNuclear Materials and Energy
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2017
    MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


    • Beryllium
    • Tungsten
    • Nitride
    • Thermal stability


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