Thermalization arrangement at cryogenic temperatures

Mika Prunnila (Inventor), Alberto Ronzani (Inventor), Emma Mykkänen (Inventor), Antti Kemppinen (Inventor), Janne Lehtinen (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent


An inventive embodiment comprises a thermalization arrangement at cryogenic temperatures. The arrangement comprises a dielectric substrate (2) layer on which substrate a device/s or component/s (1) are positionable. A heat sink component (4) is attached on another side of the substrate. The arrangement further comprises a conductive layer (5) between the substrate layer (2) and the heat sink component (4). A joint between the substrate layer (2) and the conductive layer (5) has minimal thermal boundary resistance. Another joint between the conductive layer (5) and the cooling heat sink layer (4) is electrically conductive.

Patent familiy as of 18.12.2024

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US2024015936 AA 20240111 US20230470777 20230920
WO22180302 A1 20220901 WO2022FI50109 20220218
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS11800689 B2
Priority date23/02/21
Publication statusPublished - 24 Oct 2023
MoE publication typeNot Eligible


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