Thermostable xylanases, Xyn10A and Xyn11A, from the actinomycete Nonomuraea flexuosa: solation of the genes and characterization of recombinant Xyn11A polypeptides produced in Trichoderma reesei

S. Leskinen, Arja Mäntylä (Corresponding Author), Richard Fagerström, Jari Vehmaanperä, Raija Lantto, Marja Paloheimo, Pirkko Suominen

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    52 Citations (Scopus)


    Two endoxylanases, Nf Xyn11A and Nf Xyn10A, were cloned from a Nonomuraea flexuosa (previously Actinomadura flexuosa) DSM43186 genomic expression library in Escherichia coli. The coding sequences of xyn11A and xyn10A consist of 344 and 492 amino acids, respectively. The catalytic domains belong to family 11 and family 10 of glycoside hydrolases. The C-termini share strong amino acid sequence similarity to carbohydrate-binding module (CBM) families CBM2 and CBM13, respectively. Native Nf Xyn11A, and recombinant Xyn11A expressed in the filamentous fungus Trichoderma reesei, were purified from cultivation media and characterized. The molecular masses of the full-length enzymes determined by mass spectrometry were 32.9 kDa and 33.4 kDa, the recombinant enzyme having higher molecular mass due to glycosylation. In addition, shorter polypeptides with molecular masses of 23.8 kDa and 22.0 kDa were characterized from the T. reesei culture medium, both lacking the C-terminal CBM and the 22.0 kDa polypeptide also lacking most of the linker region. The recombinant polypeptides were similar to each other in terms of specific activity, pH and temperature dependence. However, the 23.8 kDa and 22.0 kDa polypeptides were more thermostable at 80°C than the full-length enzyme. All polypeptide forms were effective in pretreatment of softwood kraft pulp at 80°C.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)495 - 505
    Number of pages11
    JournalApplied Microbiology and Biotechnology
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - 2005
    MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


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