title = "TRAB: A transient analysis program for BWR. Part 2. User's manual",
abstract = "TRAB is a :Ransient Analysis code for BWRs developed at the Technical Research Centre of Finland. It models the phenomena in the interior of the BWR pressure vessel and in related subsystems. The core model of TRAB can be used separately for LWR modelling. For PWR modelling the core model of TRAB is connected to circuit model SMABRE to form the SMATRA code. This report is a user's manual and documents the structure, contents and preparation of input for TRAB. The structure of TRAB input is very flexible, featuring input groups and subgroups identified with keywords and given in any order as well as data items in free format, freely mixed with explanatory texts. Users interface of the code can be used for modelling within input: through normal input it is possible to create new submodels. These may be functional or tabulated dependencies of the code variables, different types of delays, or ordinary linear differential equations (e.g., control systems).",
keywords = "one-dimensional reactor dynamics, space-time kinetics, reactor safety analysis, reactor accidents, thermohydraulics",
author = "Hanna R{\"a}ty and Markku Rajam{\"a}ki",
year = "1991",
language = "English",
isbn = "951-38-3875-7",
series = "Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus. Tiedotteita",
publisher = "VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland",
number = "1232",
address = "Finland",