Triple Energy Saving by Use of Contra Rotating, Tip Loaded and Podded Propulsion Technology

Antonio Sánchez-Caja (Corresponding author), M. Pérez-Sobrino, R. Quereda, M. Nijland, T. Veikonheimo, J. González-Adalid, Ilkka Saisto, A. Auriarte

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference article in proceedingsScientificpeer-review

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    TRIPOD deals with energy saving in waterborne transport. It explores the feasibility of a novel propulsion concept resulting from the integration of two promising technologies (podded propulsion and tip loaded endplate propellers) in combination with energy recovery based on counter rotating propeller (CRP) principle. New ways of saving energy are studied to improve ship operational costs. The paper describes the main objectives and the different phases of the project, including the design activities, validation of the concept by model testing and numerical computations, and the economic analysis of main results. The main focus is on the development of a tool for the assessment of the overall energy balance in the ship design phase and on the application of the new
    propulsion concept to several ship fleets. Energy savings and consequently emission reductions are derived from the use of the analysis tool.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationTransport Research Arena (TRA) 2014 Proceedings
    Number of pages12
    Publication statusPublished - 2014
    MoE publication typeA4 Article in a conference publication
    EventTransport Research Arena 2014, TRA 2014 - Paris, France
    Duration: 14 Apr 201417 Apr 2014


    ConferenceTransport Research Arena 2014, TRA 2014
    Abbreviated titleTRA2014


    • pod propulsion
    • CLT
    • CRP
    • ship efficiency
    • CFD


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