Turvetuotannossa käytetyn aumamuovin käsittely voimalaitospolttoaineeksi

Tuulikki Lindh, Ari Erkkilä, Teuvo Paappanen, Esa Kallio, Martti Flyktman, Elina Lohiniva, Tarmo Leikas, Lasse Sinkkonen, Pauli Kiviluoma

Research output: Book/ReportReport


The objective of this research project was to develop a processing method for plastics used in peat production.The plastics are collected, processed to a suitable form and delivered to a power plant to be used as fuel.A method was developed in the research for colleting stockpile covering plastics from the stockpile area.Collected plastics are transported as loose material or as round or rectangle bales.Intermediate storage of plastics at the peat production areas in the form of bales would be more environmentally friendly way than storage them as a pile of plastic-peat mixture.Storage of plastics in bales is much cleaner and it takes less space than storage in loose piles.Because the recovery of plastics is in the first hand an environmental matter and it sould be possible to obtain the same economy level as in the case of processing them in loose form just by developing balers and working manners, it is highly recommended to apply baling forr utilisation of the stockpile covering plastics.Before combustion plastics can be crushed on a waste treatment plants.Because nowadays the reception fees of waste processing plants are lower than those of dumping sites the fuel use is preferred.There are two main lines in the further processing of plastics.The division is based on whether there is a crusher for processing of plastics in the place of utilisation or has it to be delivered crushed into certain particle size, hence the plastics has to be crushed in a separate crushing plant or at the peat production site.Crushing of bales to approppriate particle size at the power plant would be the most economical way because crushed plastics need not to be transported further.It would be relatively easy to proceed crushing of plastics in a separate processing plant.If it would be possible to combine shredding of bales to round baling it would reduce thecrushing costs compared to crushing is a separate processing plant. Simultaneously it would solve problem caused by a large shredding machine needed for shredding of cylindrical bales.Crushing of the plastics at the peat production site causes problems if the crushed fines would spread into the surroundings.
Original languageFinnish
PublisherVTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Number of pages67
Publication statusPublished - 2000
MoE publication typeD4 Published development or research report or study

Publication series

SeriesVTT Energian Raportteja


  • peat
  • peat production
  • stockpiles
  • covering
  • combustion
  • plastics
  • baling
  • processing
  • power plants
  • fuels

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