Twin transition in the built environment – Policy mechanisms, technologies and market views from a cold climate perspective

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This paper studies the implementation of twin transition, i.e., the combination of digital technologies and European Green Deal goals, to achieve sustainable solutions supporting the creation of impactful, net-zero carbon and a resilient built environment with a focus on Northern Europe, specifically Finland. The subject was examined from policies, technology and market perspectives. Numerous European regulations and policies are driving the twin transition since many of them include obligatory requirements for the member states. Technologies and technology combinations exist to support the twin transition in the Nordic built environment. It was assessed that energy technologies are the most important and control, monitoring and automation technologies are the second most important technology category for the twin transition. In addition, individual technologies’ maturity and relevance to the twin transition in the built environment in cold climates were evaluated. By analyzing case studies, it was found that the markets are not mature enough to lead the twin transition, but external boosts are needed. However, this can also be seen as an opportunity for service business. The results are focused on Northern Europe, but European legislation also supports the international SDGs.
Original languageEnglish
Article number104870
JournalSustainable Cities and Society
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2023
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • Buildings
  • Green and digital transition
  • Markets
  • Regulations
  • Technologies


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