Upscaling deep buried geochemical exploration techniques into European business – UpDeep

Maarit S. Middleton, Vesa Nykänen, Jeremie Melleton, Bruno Lemiere, Pertti Sarala, Peter Filzmoser, Paula Järvinen, Maria Rinkkala, Jens Rönnqvist, Simon Thaarup

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference AbstractScientificpeer-review


    The UpDeep project aims at developing geochemical expertise on deep buried exploration methodology and anchoring the knowledge accrued as a local surface geochemical business into Europe. Soil partial leaches and biogeochemistry have solid status in grass roots exploration in other continents, but have as yet gained only minor ground in Europe. Anthropogenic impacts and lack of continuous research are identified as the main factors contributing to their low acceptance. The driving-forces for these extremely low environmental impact sampling techniques are increased public environmental awareness and prolonged processes to gain land access permits. UpDeep focuses on scientific
    evidencing of soil partial leaches and biogeochemistry in mineral exploration as a collaboration of the research institutions GTK, BRGM, GEUS, VUT and VTT, and a geo-consulting company GeoPool to promote the use of surface geochemistry across Europe. UpDeep has utilized existing soil partial leach and biogeochemical data from Finland, and will acquire new datasets over known mineralizations in France and Greenland. The business feasibility and market
    study will be conducted by Spinverse.
    We tackle several technical aspects of surface geochemistry including efficient sampling protocols and sample media selection, production of a surface geochemical standard reference material bank, and compositional data analysis. A web based data analysis and delivery platform will be constructed to facilitate quick delivery of results and continuous interaction in data interpretation between the geochemical consultant and an exploration company. An educational component on producing learning materials and proving classes for the exploration industry should increase awareness and understanding of the suitability of surface geochemical sampling media in different environments. The general business model will be modular to suit the needs of customers with backgrounds in surface geochemical exploration.
    UpDeep is a three year project (2017-2020, funded by the European Information and Technology Raw Materials.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 16 Jun 2018
    MoE publication typeNot Eligible
    EventResources for Future Generations, RFG 2018 - Vancouver, Canada
    Duration: 16 Jun 201921 Jun 2019


    ConferenceResources for Future Generations, RFG 2018


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