Usability of some workflow products in an inter-organizational setting

Jari Juopperi, Aarno Lehtola, Olli Pihlajamaa, Aija Sladek, Jari Veijalainen

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference article in proceedingsScientificpeer-review


    Workflow techniques have gained plenty of attention lately as a means to support business process re-engineering. One has also argued that they are an important asset when integrating legacy systems within an organization. In the following, their applicability in an inter-organizational setting will be evaluated. This is done by grasping requirements of three different inter-organizational applications and relating them with the facilities offered by some existing workflow products, notably IBM FlowMark, Staffware, and TeamFlow. The reference architecture and terminology used in comparisons is that of the Workflow Management Coalition. The focus in this context is on specification needs deducible from the applications and the corresponding support by the products. Further point of interest is the applicability of the products as an integrating facility of legacy systems within and between organizations. A third point of interest is the support for advanced transactional properties which is of prime importance in the light of the application analysis in these environments. The overall conclusion is that the products analysed lack many of the advanced transactional features and specification facilities needed in inter-organizational environments, though some products will have more of them in their future versions.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationInformation Systems Development for Decentralized Organizations
    Subtitle of host publicationProceedings of the IFIP working conference
    EditorsArne Sølvberg, John Krogstie, Anne Helga Seltveit
    Place of PublicationBoston
    ISBN (Electronic)978-0-387-34871-1
    ISBN (Print)978-1-4757-5491-9
    Publication statusPublished - 1995
    MoE publication typeA4 Article in a conference publication
    EventIFIP Working Conference on Information Systems Development for Decentralized Organizations ISDO'95 - Norway, Norway
    Duration: 21 Aug 199523 Aug 1995

    Publication series

    SeriesIFIP International Federation for Information Processing


    ConferenceIFIP Working Conference on Information Systems Development for Decentralized Organizations ISDO'95


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