User role in defining and utilizing contexts

Timo Laakko, Tytti Virtanen, Marketta Niemelä, Eija Kaasinen

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference articleScientific


    Context-awareness has much potential in mobile services as it facilitates many features that ease use by providing contextually relevant information and services easily available. Often context-awareness is seen as a system level feature that is based on monitoring users and the environment and learning from the user’s past behaviour. However, the users could have a stronger role in utilizing contexts as our ex-periences show. We have implemented a context-aware platform that aims to enable flexibility for users in defining contexts as well as in combining of contexts, objects and messages. We have also studied how tags and different objects in the environment give possibilities to user initiated context-aware behav-iour. Based on the experiences we present examples of giving the users a stronger role in creating, activating and sharing contexts as well as in defining context-aware behaviour of the system. We also in-troduce two application examples where user role is emphasized: context-aware messaging and contex-tual service packages.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages4
    Publication statusPublished - 2006
    MoE publication typeNot Eligible
    EventWorkshop on Innovative Mobile Applications of Context (IMAC) at MobileHCI 2006 - Espoo, Finland
    Duration: 12 Sept 200612 Sept 2006


    WorkshopWorkshop on Innovative Mobile Applications of Context (IMAC) at MobileHCI 2006


    • Context-awareness
    • context-aware services
    • mobile applications
    • user acceptance
    • user needs


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