Versatile fusion source integrator AFSI for fast ion and neutron studies in fusion devices

Paula Sirén, Jari Varje, Simppa Akaslompolo, Otto Asunta, Carine Giroud, Taina Kurki-Suonio, Henri Weisen

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

    20 Citations (Scopus)


    ASCOT Fusion Source Integrator AFSI, an efficient tool for calculating fusion reaction rates and characterizing the fusion products, based on arbitrary reactant distributions, has been developed and is reported in this paper. Calculation of reactor-relevant D-D, D-T and D-3He fusion reactions has been implemented based on the Bosch-Hale fusion cross sections. The reactions can be calculated between arbitrary particle populations, including Maxwellian thermal particles and minority energetic particles. Reaction rate profiles, energy spectra and full 4D phase space distributions can be calculated for the non-isotropic reaction products. The code is especially suitable for integrated modelling in self-consistent plasma physics simulations as well as in the Serpent neutronics calculation chain. Validation of the model has been performed for neutron measurements at the JET tokamak and the code has been applied to predictive simulations in ITER.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number016023
    JournalNuclear Fusion
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2018
    MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


    • fusion products
    • ITER
    • JET
    • Monte Carlo
    • neutronics


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