Virtual reality in education

Matti Kuusisto, Raimo Launonen

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleProfessional


    A new research and development project - PostPressSim - Computer aided training system for book binding, finishing and mailing has been launched utilising multimedia and three dimensional virtual reality simulation. PostPressSim is a European joint project and it is supported by the EU's education programme LEONARDO. VTT Information Technology acts as a coordinator of the project and is responsible for developing the virtual reality simulator. The demonstration version of the virtual reality simulator is ready and the first official demonstration was given at the international newspaper fair IFRA96 in Geneva from 14-17 October 1996. The project will be finished at the end of 1998.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number29
    JournalERCIM News
    Issue number28
    Publication statusPublished - 1997
    MoE publication typeD1 Article in a trade journal


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