Ways to maintain nuclear safety competence in Finland

Timo Vanttola, Lasse Mattila, Lasse Reiman

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference article in proceedingsScientific


    In mid-1990 ́s, both Finnish nuclear power operators started extensive plant modernisation. National surveys indicated that the present age distribution of nuclear power experts implies shortage of resources through retirement within 10 years, unless education is timely enhanced. The current rate of nuclear energy specific education, about 10 master’s degrees per year, will be too low, particularly if construction of new nuclear capacity were started. The problem is recognised, and some measures have been initiated. In Finland continued public funding for nuclear energy research is judged important to assure impartial expertise for the safety authorities. This research has been organised as national research programmes, where the requirement to raise experts is emphasised. Challenging tasks have proved to be important in motivating the students and the permanent personnel. The specific features of the VVER reactors, participation in international R&D projects and, recently, design and assessment of ALWR concepts have offered such possibilities. The image of nuclear energy affects the interest of young generation when choosing a career. One way to improve the situation is to increase communication with the public and direct information to the potential students. The need for other than technical skills is also reflected in the latest work programme of the Young Generation Network, organised by the Finnish Nuclear Society.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationAssuring Nuclear Safety Competence into the 21st Century
    Subtitle of host publicationWorkshop Proceedings, Budapest, Hungary, 12-14 October 1999
    ISBN (Print)978-92-64-18240-0
    Publication statusPublished - 2000
    MoE publication typeB3 Non-refereed article in conference proceedings


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