Wireless network configuration

Juhani Latvakoski (Inventor), Teemu Vaeisaenen (Inventor)

Research output: PatentPatent

8 Citations (Scopus)


Apparatus, computer program and a method for wireless network configuration are disclosed. In the method, a self-certifying identifier of the apparatus is inputted (802) into the apparatus. Next, the apparatus performs (804) an authentication process utilizing the self-certifying identifier of the apparatus with other apparatuses within wireless communication range of the apparatus. Finally, routes to such other apparatuses that passed the authentication process are added (806) to a routing table.

Patent family as of 6.9.2021
AT468696 E 20100615 AT20070106581T 20070420      
DE602007006630D1 20100701 DE200760006630T 20070420      
EP1983715 A1 20081022 EP20070106581 20070420      
EP1983715 B1 20100519 EP20070106581 20070420      
ES2346251 T3 20101013 ES20070106581T 20070420

Link to current patent family on right 

Original languageEnglish
Patent numberEP1983715
IPCH04L 12/ 56 A I
Priority date20/04/07
Publication statusPublished - 22 Oct 2008
MoE publication typeH1 Granted patent


  • authentication


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